24 May Energy efficiency and small-medium businesses. At Aib, a workshop on regional funding

The Regional government of Lombardy has set up a funding program for SMBs that intend to conduct preparatory activities for future energy efficiency improvement procedures, namely energy diagnosis and certification of the energy management system. For a closer look at this topic, AIB, in collaboration the Order of Engineers of the Province of Brescia, is organising a workshop on March 17 at 3:30pm at the headquarters (via Cefalonia, 60 – Brescia).

The workshop, introduced by Giancarlo Turati, president of the Comitato Piccola Industria AIB (Small Business Committee AIB) and Piero Castioni, delegate councillor of the Order of Engineers of Brescia, with a presentation by Marcello Salvio of Enea (Energy diagnoses in accordance with Lgs. D. 102/2014: professional standards downstream of obligations), Alice Tura from the Regional government of Lombardy (The Regional government’s program for improving the energy efficiency of small and medium businesses) and Matteo Locati of Fedabo (Energy diagnosis and certification ISO 50001: choosing consciously).

Energy diagnosis and certification as starting points for business to save will then be the themes discussed at the round table, moderated by Donato Zambelli of AIB, with Matteo Locati (Fedabo), Mauro Pagani (AERE), Nicola Zanetti (TEA Servizi), Diego Garrone (A2A) and Davide Gulizia (EGE)


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