05 Nov Doing business in Dubai: customs and traditions
Respecting social norms.
In general, Islam gives great importance to the concept of decency and modesty when people of the opposite sex interact. The Quran requires the faithful, both men and women, to “lower their gaze” in the presence of a person of the opposite sex who is not part of the close circle of relatives who are considered members of the family.
It goes without saying that even the Western traveller, especially when outside the protected areas of tourism, can not consider disregarding this code of conduct. Therefore, better avoid showing affection in public, however, it is acceptable for a couple to hold hands. It is also best to avoid showing too much familiarity between men; in many Islamic countries homosexuality is indeed considered illegal. If contact is made with a Muslim woman, it is good practice not to behave in an over-friendly manner. You should avoid shaking hands unless you are specifically urged to do so.
Dress code falls into the basic category of decency. Islamic morals always require the woman to maintain a modest attitude in public. It may therefore be offensive to wear tight-fitting, low-cut or too short clothing that reveal the bodily shape.
Another typical error of the Western traveller is to photograph everything and everyone indiscriminately, without ever asking permission. It is strictly forbidden to photograph and record airports, military sites, police officers and/or public offices in Arab countries.
Conceptually, Islam deems all activities that could compromise the health and proper functioning of our body to be illegal. Alcohol consumption is strictly forbidden in some countries and pretty much tolerated in others. However, it is advisable not to drink alcohol in public places.
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