Doing business in Dubai: the importante of language

12 Nov Doing business in Dubai: the importante of language

” السلام عليكم “
As-Salamu alaykum Peace be upon you

” و عليكم السلام “
Alaykum as-Salam Peace upon you

The Prophet said: “get used to greeting each other by saying Assalamu aleikum”

” إن شاء الله “
In Allāh God willing

Refers to the hope of a believer that an event will happen in the future.

“حلال “
Halal Licit

In Arabic, the word means all that is allowed in Islam, as opposed to harām, forbidden. Therefore, the concept includes behaviour, the way of speaking, attire, conduct and standards in the field of nutrition.

“حرام “
Harām Forbidden

It is used in Islam for any thing, situation or behaviour prohibited by the Islamic faith. The prohibitions include adultery, foul language, deception, theft and corruption; the latter also with reference to the world of business. With reference to food, alcohol and pork.
The Quran specifically prohibits credit from being granted in order to earn money and interest from loans is equivalent to usury, which is one of the most significant in the Muslim religion.
Prohibition in finance in the Muslim world is bypassed with formulas that differ in form but are identical in substance, such as sharing profits, which must be “Sharia’ah compliant”. Therefore, behaviour, the way of speaking, attire, conduct and standards in the field of nutrition.

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