03 Nov National loans and contributions
The following provides a brief list of the funds provided in Italy that are currently accessible to businesses.
These are contributions for consortia for internationalisation for the carrying out of promotional activities and contributions for Italian-foreign associations, authorities, institutions, chambers of commerce.
Subsidised loans for opening business structures abroad, for the launch and dissemination of new products and services or the acquisition of new markets (within the limits and conditions lay down in EC Regulation no. 1998/2006 of the European Commission dated 15.12.2006 “De minimis” aid). Article 6, paragraph 2, letter a of Italian Legislative Decree no. 112 dated 25.6.2008, converted with amendments into Law no. 133, 6 August, 2008.
- Subsidised loans for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and technical support programs related to Italian investments abroad (within the limits and conditions lay down in EC Regulation no. 1998/2006 of the European Commission dated 15.12.2006 on “De minimis” aid). Article 6, paragraph 2, letter b of Italian Legislative Decree no. 112 dated 25.6.2008, converted with amendments into Law no. 133, 6 August, 2008.
- Subsidised loans for small and medium-sized enterprises – SMEs – exporters for the improvement and preservation of their financial soundness in order to enhance their competitiveness in foreign markets. (within the limits and conditions lay down in EC Regulation no. 1998/2006 of the European Commission dated 15.12.2006 “De minimis” aid). Article 6, paragraph 2, letter c of Italian Legislative Decree no. 112 dated 25.6.2008, converted with amendments into Law no. 133, 6 August, 2008.
- Promotion of investment in companies and joint ventures abroad. Law no. 100, 24 April 1990. Simest Spa, established by Italian Law no. 100/1990, is a private company, in which the Ministry – until 9.11.2012 – represented the majority shareholder, holding 76% of
the capital. With the implementation of Article 23/bis, of the Italian Legislative Decree 95/2012, converted into Italian Law 135/2012, this investment has been disposed of in favour of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Deposits and Loans Fund), who purchased this public share. The Ministry however, still retains responsibility for directing and supervising said Company, pursuant to Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 3 of Italian Law 100/90.
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