21 Jan Upcoming subsidies for exporting SMEs

A total of 80 million euros in funding will be granted to SMEs who export to non-EU countries and to guarantee their financial solidity. The funds, managed by Simest, will be used to support programmes of integration into non-EU markets, by opening a facility in just one country of destination. This opening, however, is not to be configured as a distribution network abroad. These measures are aimed at improving and safeguarding the financial solidity of small and medium-sized exporting companies in order to determine their competitiveness in foreign markets.

The programmes for integration into non-EU markets can be jointly implemented by several companies. In this case, their implementation must be carried out through a network contract or other contractual forms of cooperation, and it will be up to the project leader to apply for funding.

The maximum amount granted will be 300,000 euros, calculated in compliance with “de minimis” EU legislation and within the limit of 25% of the net assets of the applicant company.

To view the decree, click here http://www.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/normativa/decreti-ministeriali/2033739-decreto-miniisteriale-7-ottobre-2015-assegnazione-risorse-del-fondo-per-la-crescita-sostenibile-al-finanziamento-interventi-internazionalizzazione-imprese

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